Make-up/Film & TV

Film & TV

Start your career behind the film screen. Prepare the makeup for your favourite actors. Create everything from beautiful night style to the look of glorious alien creatures. Apply to one of our home courses and fulfill your dream!

a job behind the scenes

all about film & tv makeup

for realistic results

the best techniques

top teachers

must-have skills for muas

practical lessons

stunning looks

extra asset on your resume

for a popping portfolio

There are no courses within the subcategory Film & TV

Be sure of your future!

With a diploma from our school you assure yourself of a career in the world of film and TV. You will then work behind the scenes as a make-up artist and get the chance to transform actors and actresses. Sometimes a hectic job, but one with a lot of satisfaction! Many makeup artists go freelance, so a solid portfolio is a must-have to show your skills to future employers and bring in every assignment.

I work together with a team of 5 make-up artists for different TV shows. Two of them have been trained at your school and I can only say that they do it very well. Ever since their application, I noticed that I had gold in my hands and they didn't let me down. They stood head and shoulders above my expectations. They mastered the techniques, knew what was expected of them and they are just two great madams to work with. The competition is fierce, but with a diploma, a first experience and a solid portfolio you increase your chances considerably! - Employer speaks

Film & TV make-up


Makeup trends in the fashion world change faster than you can say 'eyeliner'. As a make-up artist it is therefore crucial that you are always up to date with the latest novelties and are regularly inspired by the competition. If glitter is still in today, it will be out tomorrow. Do you want to be original or daring? Follow some important fashion accounts on Instagram and be sure to visit a movie set. This way you'll get a lot of ideas!

Film & TV, 100% of the time

Special effects make-up and image editing increasingly go hand in hand. For example, the make-up artist creates realistic blood tears, which then roll over the cheek of the character using the computer. You can also not apply the liquid in the eye of the actor.

I'm a freelance make-up artist and I specialize in special effects. I am regularly asked to do this as a make-up artist for films and series. I learned the subject from the fantastic teacher at this school. She gave me some useful tips that still help me today. Thanks to the practical exercises during the lessons, you get to work super quickly and you're sure to get your first assignment! - Ex-student speaking

Thomas Verlinden
Thomas Verlinden


It's the dream of many to become a make-up artist in the film or TV world, but those spots are only for the best in their craft. Our students have known that, because our teachers are preparing them to start professionally. They learn how to work with the best materials and are taught amazing techniques during practical classes.

Nice to know

  • L'Oréal is the largest and best-known makeup brand. The company was founded in 1909 by a French chemist. Originally, L'Oréal only sold color rinses for the hair.
  • Are you really good at your job? Then maybe you will get an Oscar nomination! The American MUA Ve Neill was nominated for her work at The Hunger Games, Pirates of the Caribbean, Star Trek and more. Three times (including for Mrs. Doubtfire) she was even allowed to take the statue home with her!
  • In the thriller Psycho (1960) chocolate syrup was used as blood. The film was in black and white, so the color didn't really matter. Films in color usually use glucose syrup with a dark red dye.
  • In the series The Walking Dead the zombie actors wore contact lenses that were hand-colored for an extra morbid effect.