
Are you busy building at home? Do you want to know how to design your new home from A to Z? Register now and become a specialist in building and renovating.

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All courses in the subcategory Design


Interior Design

Interior Design, a profession with a future!

Register now for our Interior Design course and study at home at your pace.

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Be sure of your future!

People enjoy giving their interior a complete makeover every five years. This means that every year lots of people are in need of a new design. Above all, they need new specialists who can prepare and carry out those renovations down to the last detail. With a diploma from our school you show your clients or future employer that you have in-depth knowledge and are immediately ready to start working professionally. It will look nice on your resume and you will be able to work with it on your own. In this way you increase your chances on the job market and at the same time you succeed in creating new opportunities for yourself.

In our construction company we are looking for a healthy combination of people who stand out in the field of technology and people with rock-solid knowledge. The distance learning courses actually ensure that you can be both. People who have taken the time and effort to specialize in this way always have an extra edge with us. - Employer speaks



More and more people are looking for experts who can bring their rebuilding, renovation or construction project to a successful conclusion. Construction companies also want specialists in design. You can be that specialist. Help your family and friends with their rebuilding or renovation. Or just become the boss of your own new construction project. An extra diploma in construction therefore brings a lot of job security. People are looking for your knowledge and your way of creating. This way you become an necessary link in every renovation project. You can work in a company or simply as a self-employed person. Ready to start?

Design, 100% of the time

Remodeling your home is easier than ever before. You have plenty of online resources that can help you get started. Choosing a new interior is increasingly done via the internet. Yet that often goes wrong, because not every type of interior fits well with the house you have. That's why more and more people are calling on a short, but solid high quality course. Within the course you will get the knowledge and skills to handle every job. This way you show at work that you are a specialist and you can easily start working in your own home.

You go to school and then immediately start working. You often learn a lot at that job. But if you really want to make a career and earn more, you have to invest in yourself. That's what I've done. Now, thanks to my extra diplomas in distance learning, I'm also allowed to lead. I can see that reflected in my salary. I notice that I get a lot more satisfaction from my job and that I become a point of contact for my colleagues. - Ex-student speaking

Thomas Verlinden
Thomas Verlinden


We find that a specialization in design really helps people to make their house a home. You'll learn to work with computer programs and get a solid foundation on trends and styles. This way you can not only talk about interior, design and styling, but you also learn to think in the right terms. This training is perfect for anyone with good taste and have a renovation planned. Also if you want to work as a designer or specialist in construction, these courses are for you.

Nice to know

  • The value of the White House is estimated at about 110 million dollars.
  • Today, people move around an average of 12 times in their lives.
  • There are houses that are made entirely of plastic
  • Plenty of windows and light make the people usually happier and healthier. Various studies have shown that this is the case.
  • Almost 50 percent of all homeowners start their own do-it-yourself project every year. But on average, only four of those projects end successfully per household.
  • One third of all people postpone their most important projects for more than a year before starting them.