Is your high school diploma almost within, outside the field of Pharmaceutical Technology? Then we help you to pass the Examination Committee exam quickly. We make it easy for you!
You save time thanks to our ready-made course. It is fully and completely up-to-date with the latest trade information sheets. So you don't have to search for material yourself and you only learn the things you really need to know for the exam. You also learn more quickly thanks to personal online guidance from a real top coach. This way you will be ready for your exam in no time!
Register, learn from home and take another step in the direction of a valuable secondary education diploma.
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Registered? Here we go! The digital course will appear on the online student platform 1 minute after your registration. We send the paper version directly to the post. So keep an eye on your letterbox. When you have received the course, the real work begins: studying. You do that wherever and whenever you want. Entirely in your own way and at your own pace. In the evening in the seat on your iPad? Quickly on the bus from your smartphone? Or would you prefer to relax at your desk from the course book? You choose. What a difference with the school approach!
Need help while studying? Then ask your personal coach for tips, feedback or more information. He will gladly help you further. You are never alone. When you have finished your studies, take your exam at the Examination Board.
For this course you take an exam and a practical test. You can only participate in the test if you first pass the exam. To pass the test you need work experience in a pharmacy. Contact the government's Examination Board for more information about the practical test.
If you know the subject matter well, take your exam at the Examination Board. You plan this exam via the EC platform of the Examination Board. Take your ID and a blue or black ballpoint pen with you. Do you score more than 50% on your exam? Congratulations, then you are definitively relieved of this course and you are again one step closer to your high school diploma.
You pay for the course Pharmaceutical Technology but 199.00 euros. For this you get a full course with theory, exercises and useful examples. Through our online student platform you also get a year of help from a great subject coach. He gives you feedback, answers all your questions and helps you further with useful study tips. This way you will be perfectly prepared for the exam of the Examination Board.
Do you dream of a top job in the medical or pharmaceutical sector? Then we have for you the solution: just get your diploma Pharmacy Assistant via a flexible home study.
From the comfort of your own home, we will prepare you perfectly for the exams. We will give you a full course package and professional online guidance by experienced coaches. That way you can be sure that you always learn the right things from the right people. This way, we quickly guide you to your professional diploma.
That diploma is your ticket to a promising future. Before you know it, you will be working in a pharmacy or lab. So don't wait any longer, take control of your future and register today!