Nanny, a profession with a future!

Do you find it endearing to see children grow up right in front of you? Are you concerned with the upbringing, well-being and happiness of children? Then this training is for you! In 7 modules you confidently learn everything about how you responsibly take care of the upbringing and education of a child!

After this Nanny course, you will know all aspects of the job. This job is, by the way, extremely varied and versatile! It is so much more than just watching kids. You are the number one confidant for both parent and child. Within the family you are a accessible point of contact. You offer a helping hand and a listening ear. This way you see and encourage children to find their own way in life. You get their gratitude for free!

do you want...
  • to support parents by helping raise their children
  • to learn all about a child's development in one handy course
  • to give your career a positive spin by starting as a professional Nanny
  • to turn your additional income into a full-fledged job as a Nanny
  • to study at home at your own pace and in your own way
Nanny (allround)
Professional training
Coursle - Centre For Distance Learning
Guided home study
9-12 months on average


Program Nanny (allround)

When you choose for an allround course, you choose to become a real professional expert in your workfield. You combine 5 perfectly matched modules, who offer you a broad spectrum of skills. This way you start fully prepared and self-confident with your new professional career.

You study at your own pace, anytime, anywhere, with the support of your instructor who helps you when you need help. For each module, you can take unlimited exams until you pass. For this course Nanny (allround) you’ll save €51. A real benefit!

Child Development
3-6 months on average

Module: Child Development

Raising a child requires a lot of energy, but also knowledge. A baby has different needs than a toddler and when you join our school, you learn how to take care for a child in both phases in different ways so that they develop optimally.

Thanks to this course you discover the different phases a child goes through and you find out how you can influence them. All information you learn here is also based on child psychology.

Ideal for (future) teachers and nannies, but also necessary for every parent or grandparent who wants learn more about how to best guide children in their life to from adolescence to adulthood...

The regular price for module Child Development is €249 when taken separately. However, within the study program Nanny (allround), you only pay €236.80. You save €12.20!

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Environmental Care
1-3 months on average

Module: Environmental Care

Young children love to explore their environment. By romping, experimenting, tasting or feeling they get to know the big world around them. It is therefore important that the environment in which children grow up is safe and hygienic. In other words: taking care of children means taking care of their immediate environment.

That is why in this course we pay attention to safety and hygiene in different areas: from the home, over the food, to the clothing. You also focus on stimulating activities that help the child develop while playing and learn new things spontaneously. You will soon turn every room or every house into a perfect place to play!

The regular price for module Environmental Care is €199 when taken separately. However, within the study program Nanny (allround), you only pay €189.25. You save €9.75!

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First Aid
3-6 months on average

Module: First Aid

People in need require fast and professional help. Everyone knows that. The question is what do you do in those emergency situations? What do you do if a colleague suddenly has a stroke? What do you do if a pedestrian is hit on the street? What do you do if a young person collapses on the soccer field? This First Aid course offers you an answer to these difficult questions!

In this course you will learn how to provide first aid to people, whether it concerns burns, fractures or more serious conditions. At the end of the course you will know how to provide safe and responsible assistance in emergency situations. You prevent drama by thinking clearly and avoiding panic. That comes in handy everywhere, both in your private life and in the workplace!

After this course you can master numerous life-threatening situations. You literally save lives!

The regular price for module First Aid is €195 when taken separately. However, within the study program Nanny (allround), you only pay €185.45. You save €9.55!

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Physical Care
1-3 months on average

Module: Physical Care

Every child is different. Personality, character, temperament ... They all have an influence on the person that babies and small children develop into. These aspects all play a role in the child's upbringing.

In this course you learn how to coordinate upbringing or guidance with the unique psychological characteristics of each child. For that we use the theories of the famous American psychologist Maslow. You also delve into problematic or deviant behavior, such as aggression or eating disorders. Finally, mental and physical limitations are discussed. That way, you have everything to approach children in a personalized way, completely tailored to individual needs and requirements.

The regular price for module Physical Care is €199 when taken separately. However, within the study program Nanny (allround), you only pay €189.25. You save €9.75!

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Psychiatric Care for Children
1-3 months on average

Module: Psychiatric Care for Children

Every child is different. Personality, character, temperament, ... They all have an influence on how babies and small children develop. They all play a role in the child's upbringing.

In this education you learn how to coordinate upbringing or guidance with the unique psychological characteristics of each child. For that we use the theories of the famous American psychologist Maslow. You also delve into problematic or deviant behavior, such as aggression or eating disorders. Finally, mental and physical limitations are discussed. That way, you have everything to approach children in a personalized way, completely tailored to individual needs and requirements.

The regular price for module Psychiatric Care for Children is €199 when taken separately. However, within the study program Nanny (allround), you only pay €189.25. You save €9.75!

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Nanny Home Study
Competences and skills
  • The development of the child? You know everything about it!
  • Expertly taking care of the upbringing and care of a child
  • Do you want to work as a nanny? You know how to handle everything perfectly!
Home Course Nanny
Opportunities for the future
  • Employee in a daycare center or school
  • Self-employed nanny

Starting dates group course Nanny (allround)

Study method:

At home


Wherever you want

First lesson:

Whenever you want

Last lesson:

Your own choice


Your own schedule

Teachers Nanny (allround)

Practical info

Study trajectory

After your registration you will receive a digital and a paper version of your course. The digital version is immediately on your profile page and on the online student platform. You will find the paper version in your letterbox in no time. From then on you enjoy absolute flexibility! You decide where and when you study. You also choose yourself when you ask your teacher for feedback. This is possible for a year via the online learning platform. Make sure you take advantage of this opportunity: this is how you can start the exam perfectly!

Financial info

Nanny (allround)
Professional training
Coursle - Centre For Distance Learning
Guided home study
9-12 months on average


Nice to know about your education Nanny (allround)

That's why you choose Coursle - Centre For Distance Learning
The Centre for Distance Learning, part of Ondernemersschool BV, is the largest training provider in the Benelux. It organizes professional training courses for adults from all over the world through the distance learning system. The school is nationally and internationally recognized by various professional associations such as the Wellness Federation, the Centre for Professional Qualification and is registered in the Central Register for Short Professional Education (CRKBO). This means that the educational institution complies with the Quality Code for Education Institutions for Short Professional Education. Moreover, the Center for Distance Learning meets the strict quality requirements of ISO 9001:2015.
Download the eCampus App
Study when and where you want.
Online professional guidance.
Unlimited exam attempts.

Recent blogs


Tony S.
Tony S.

The teacher is very involved with his subject and his students. We learned what is really necessary on the job.

Bruce B.
Bruce B.

Was always welcomed in a very friendly manner. Always received a clear explanation when I needed more info.

Peter P.
Peter P.

Already proved to be very useful to grow professionally.

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