Doing odd jobs in your own home is extremely satisfying. You decide when to tackle a project, determine your own style and you don't have to wait for a professional. Moreover, you can also save a lot of money in this way! This home study is ideal if you are going to build or renovate your place, or if you are looking for more experience.
Those who do their own electricity installation save up to 75% on their budget. You can do all the chores yourself in and around your house. You lay pipes to safely connect your washing machine, refrigerator and other electrical appliances. Furthermore, you can very quickly handle sockets, home automation and so on. You also learn some safety aspects. After this home study you are a true do-it-yourselfer!
We are looking for motivated teachers who want to share their knowledge and know-how with our eager students! Do you have at least 5 years of experience being self-employed in your industry? Always passionately talking about your job? Do you want to teach our students your skills? Apply now. We are looking forward to meeting you!